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Church Services
These are weekly services that are consistently held at the same day & time. For additional services, please see the calendar.
Please note that services are posted one month at a time.
St. Elias Antiochian Orthodox Cathedral is a parish of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America. We began as a small church of a few Middle-Eastern immigrant families who arrived in Canada in the early 1900’s. Today we have around 1000 families that call St. Elias Cathedral their spiritual home. The majority of our members are second, third, and fourth generation Canadians of Middle Eastern descent. We also have a mix of converts from other religious traditions as well as faithful people raised in other traditions of the Orthodox Church (Greek, Slavic, etc.).
Our worship services are sung with an equal mix of English and Arabic by our Choirs with congregational participation. Our Preaching is in English. Service books are available for those who are interested in following the order of service (in addition, most services can be found on this link: Children are welcome. At the end of Divine Liturgy on Sunday, coffee is provided for all, and Church School based on Scripture and Tradition is held for children from kindergarten (ages 4-5) to high school. Concurrently, adults enjoy a time of fellowship with one another.
Our dedication to the Orthodox formation of our young people is demonstrated by the several components of our youth and young adult ministry. We believe that our young people, struggling to live wholesome Christian lives in an anti-Christian culture, require and deserve such a support system.
St. Elias Cathedral is strongly committed to the belief that the Holy Orthodox Church is the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ and His Apostles. We are equally committed to the implications of that belief: that the Orthodox Faith requires a unity of faith and a unity of life, nourished through worship in the Divine Services, strengthened through prayer, fasting, and alms-giving, sustained by the intercessions of the Holy Saints, and lived every day of the week in the homes, schools, and workplaces of our people.
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